Initial Speaker Announcements and CFP
We're announcing our first speakers, and a CFP for you to present or demo.
We're pleased to announce our first couple of speakers presenting at Causal Islands Berlin, as well as opening a call for presentations.
New interactions, creativity, graphics, and design are some of the common themes we look for in showcasing the future of computing, and these two are great examples.
Andrés Cuervo

Andrés is an artist, programmer, and HCI researcher building a new kind of tangible programming environment at Folk Computer.

Lu Wilson

Lu creates slightly-surreal creative-coding projects under the Todepond moniker. They are one of the hosts of the Future of Coding podcast, a coder at tldraw, and a researcher-in-residence at Ink and Switch.
Join us for two days of talks, lightning presentations, and demos around the future of computing, October 4th & 5th.
Call for Presentations
While we are reaching out to speakers and curating the talks, we also have room for some presentations to be proposed.
Yes, we know this is short notice! We've got a unique crowd of highly interested attendees from Europe and abroad, and we'd love to see a great lightning talk, interactive demo, or full presentation from you.
A reminder: we're an all volunteer conference, and have budgeted for a 500€ honorarium for speakers. Thanks to all those buying higher priced community sponsorship tickets – that's what helps us pay speakers!
Please fill out the form below to submit your proposal, or visit the form directly.