Future Causal Islands

News about the future of Causal Islands. Berlin is happening in October 2024, and there is interest in Bangalore, San Francisco, and Vancouver.

After gathering interest from a number of people around the world, we can start talking about future Causal Islands. If you're just tuning in, the about page has a few more details.

Causal Islands is about connecting people across industries, disciplines, and communities to share, design, and learn about the future of computing together.

Orion Reed was the first one to stick up his hand and say "we need more Causal Islands!". His bio includes the line "advocating widespread dissatisfaction with computing", which certainly fits with Causal Islands themes. He presented at the Los Angeles community edition in person, but we didn't get a recording of his live presentation, so Boris hosted him on Tools for Thought Rocks community, and we had a great virtual session captured.

The idea always was to move the conference around, experiment with hybrid events, and generally make space for people interested in the themes we saw highlighted in the Toronto 2023 talks.

Join us in Berlin

With initial interest and reasonable timelines to give it a try, Orion and Boris started to spread the word.

"Europe needs a conference like this"

universally across the initial group of people interested in organizing and supporting was a desire to see a conference like Causal Islands in Europe: Berlin is happening! Go read the Berlin page to learn more about the initial set of folks who are getting involved.

Regional Islands

And we've got interest from Shobhit to host in Bangalore, Raz, Rupert, and Ivan are talking about what they want to do in San Francisco, and Boris would like to bring people to his hometown of Vancouver at some point.

We've still got lots of work ahead just to make a great experience in Berlin. Speakers, sponsors, volunteers, and most importantly attendees who will come join us in person, or participate remotely.

And for Causal Islands as an organization, figuring out a model for sustaining it, seeing who might want to join a board and get involved in governance, and various digital initiatives like virtual tech talks, or community search engines that connect us.

Sign up here on the website for future news and notifications about calls for proposals as we finalize Berlin dates and venue selection, and start work on other regions.

Join us in the Discord chat if you want to get more involved or have questions.