Berlin Dates and Selection Committee Kick-off

Dates for Causal Islands Berlin updated to Oct 3rd - 5th. Selection committee has been kicked off.

We have moved the dates for Causal Islands Berlin to October 3rd–5th.

We heard from a lot of people that our initial dates in October were too close to SPLASH, and in particular the LIVE Programming Workshop. We're glad we caught this early, while we can still shift the date!

We're planning on a 2 day conference, with some flex time on a third day for workshops or other side events. There have already been some offers of space for side events, so please get in touch if you'd like to organize something in Berlin around that time.

Getting a venue finalized is the next thing to do before we do the big announcement. You can subscribe to the "save the date" event to get it into your calendar, or subscribe by email to this site for updates.

Selection Committee Kick-off

Causal Islands is a conference about the future of computing and a home for new perspectives ranging from deeply technical insights to sharp socio-political analysis.

We will explore themes including malleable and local-first software, programming systems, new hardware and computer interfaces, p2p protocols, and challenging ideas about what software is, how it's produced, and how it could be different.

Orion Reed's Twitter bio avatar, a transparent headshot overlayed with graphics. The phrase "advocating widespread dissatisfaction with computing"
Orion Reed, Selection Committee Lead, has this phrase in his X/Twitter Bio @OrionReedOne

Dissatisfaction with the current state of computing shouldn't be thought of as pessimistic, but rather a conviction that we can collectively make it better.

With these themes, we have formed a selection committee tasked with curating a great selection of speakers for Berlin. While we will invite the majority of talks, we will also be announcing a call-for-presentations and we'd love to hear from you: sign up on the site here to get future announcements about the CFP and other news.

The initial committee is formed of:

You are likely to see a talk or two from these folks as well.

We've also got some ideas around a call-for-experiments, want to include art & music of various kinds, and Jack Rusher will be leading a "night agenda" to explore and experience Berlin.

Get involved

Causal Islands Berlin is a volunteer-run conference. We have an initial set of financial supporters as well organizers helping to put the conference together, and will make a wider call for sponsorship soon. There are also efforts underway to organize Causal Islands events in San Francisco and Bangalore.

Join the Discord chat, let us know how you want to contribute, and spread the word about the conference.